Alluvial Fan II
Print. 2011.

The sweeping, organic forms resemble an aerial view of a verdant river delta, but this alluvial fan comes from a virtual mathematical world that I explore using the computer and custom software.
Art and mathematics – the right brain and the left – are inextricably linked in this work, which depends on mathematics, yet simultaneously illuminates and unravels its beauty.
C-print mounted on Gatorfoam, luster laminate
Limited Edition. Click here for details.
UBS, London, United Kingdom
2014 – The [Visual] Poetry of Logical Ideas, The University of Mary Washington Galleries, Fredericksburg, VA
2013 – Arts & Algorithms on the Space Coast, Titusville, FL
2011 – Process & Influence (solo), The Gallery at Eissey Campus, Palm Beach State College, Palm Beach Gardens, FL
2011 – Eclectic Knights III, Orlando Museum of Art’s 1st Thursdays Event, Orlando, FL
2011 – Bridges Art Exhibition, Coimbra, Portugal
Strange Attractors Tech Notes Tutorial: Strange Attractors in C++ and OpenGL